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All | Regional Plans | Municipal Tools | Research and Reports
Product Name | Publication Date | Source | Summary | Category | MPO Covered |
Bus Stop Safety Toolbox | Aug. 1, 2011 | NJTPA | Recommendations related to physical improvements and design guidelines to create safer bus stops. This includes consideration of bus stop design and location, pedestrian signage/signals, pavement markings and area illumination. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Development Review Checklist for Consideration of Transit | Oct. 23, 2013 | CJTF | Created to help municipalities ensure that transit access, stop placement, and bus stop design issues are considered for new development and/or redevelopment. It can be used as an advisory document or strengthened by codifying it into municipal zoning ordinances. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Smart Growth Best Practices Brochure | April 1, 2017 | CJTF | Reference guide for mayors, members of governing bodies, and planning boards in Central New Jersey who are looking to address development impacts in their municipality. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Municipal Implementation Toolbox | Aug. 1, 2019 | DVRPC | Contains resources, case studies, and model/sample ordinances for more than 80 tools municipalities can use to implement the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan in their own jurisdictions. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Bus Shelters for Municipalities | June 1, 2013 | NJ TRANSIT | NJ Transit installs bus shelters at no cost to the communities that request them provided the communities agree to accept responsibility for any future maintenance and liability. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2011 Spring | Aug. 1, 2011 | DVRPC | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Proposal for Incorporating Public Transit Provisions into a State Highway Access Management Code | Jan. 1, 2010 | TRB | This paper describes how New Jersey Transit, a statewide public transit operator, participated in a project sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) to revise New Jersey's State Highway Access Management Code (access code). | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Executive Summary | July 1, 2002 | DVRPC | Summarizes a multi-year planning effort involving 20 municipalities surrounding US 1 in Central Jersey, and presents the findings and conclusions of the initial phase of the Forum. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Local Policies and Practices That Support Safe Pedestrian Environments | Jan. 1, 2012 | National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) | Documents various tools and strategies used by municipalities to improve the safety, convenience, and accessibility of the pedestrian experience. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Land Use and Transportation Projects Near US 1 - 2006 Fall | Oct. 1, 2006 | DVRPC | Major land use and transportation projects proposed or recently completed by public or private entities in the vicinity of US 1. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2009 Spring | Feb. 1, 2010 | DVRPC | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
US 1 Bus Rapid Transit Alternative Analysis Study | Feb. 1, 2006 | NJ TRANSIT | Executive Summary of a study by NJ TRANSIT in cooperation with DVRPC, NJTPA and NJDOT on a Central NJ Route 1 BRT Alternatives Analysis. In July, 2006 the Central Jersey Transportation Forum unanimously endorsed the Study and encouraged continuing progress on a US 1 BRT. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Bus Rapid Transit Practitioner's Guide | Jan. 1, 2007 | Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) | Explores the costs, impacts, and effectiveness of implementing selected BRT components. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Greater Mercer Trails Map | Nov. 1, 2019 | Greater Mercer Transportation Management Association | Elements of the Greater Mercer Trails Plan including Proposed Long Distance Corridors; Existing Long Distance Corridors; Proposed Local Trails; Existing Local Trails; and Proposed County Trails (As proposed in the Mercer County Bike Trail Plan). | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Greater Mercer Trails Plan | Nov. 1, 2019 | Greater Mercer Transportation Management Association | The Greater Mercer Trails Plan is a living plan that will take shape and be implemented over time, segment by segment, and community by community, to create a low-stress, all ages network of trails, paths, and on-street facilities for walking, biking, hiking, and a variety of other activities and pursuits. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Route 1 Regional Growth Strategy | Sept. 1, 2010 | NJDOT | The Route 1 Regional Growth Strategy (R1RGS) provides an integrated development and transportation vision, which is a framework for a built environment conducive to future economic growth and prosperity. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2008 Spring | Jan. 1, 2008 | DVRPC | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2010 Winter | Aug. 1, 2010 | DVRPC | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2012 Winter | Jan. 1, 2012 | DVRPC | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2013 Fall | Jan. 1, 2014 | DVRPC | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Goods Movement Strategies for Communities | Aug. 1, 2020 | NJTPA | A tool for starting the discussion to address questions and issues regarding the freight movement in your area. Users can include local officials, developers, transportation providers and property owners. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Electric Vehicle Resources for Local Government | March 8, 2022 | NJ DEP | Accelerate electric vehicle (EV) adoption in New Jersey with incentives, procurement tools, policy and planning support, and more. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Development Matters: Understanding the Opportunities and Implications of Multifamily Development | Sept. 1, 2020 | DVRPC | In an effort to help our planning partners better understand the state of multifamily housing and evaluate the potential impacts and opportunities created by multifamily development, this document presents the key findings from this research and discusses real estate trends, demographics, and travel behavior. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Working Paper on Circulation Elements | July 26, 2005 | CJTF | Compilation of circulation plans and local best practice examples. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
A Guidebook for Developing Circulation Plans | Oct. 1, 2005 | Keep Middlesex Moving | A framework for improving circulation plan elements in municipal master plans. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CR 571 Park & Ride Study | Nov. 1, 2012 | DVRPC | Summarizes existing park-and-ride facilities in the corridor, details potential new locations and their attributes, and assigns a preliminary rating for each location based on selected criteria. The analysis identifies four strong candidates for new park-and-ride facilities, and one strong candidate for additional capacity (to go along with additional service). | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Identifying Opportunities for Expanded Park-and-Ride Capacity in South Jersey | Feb. 1, 2016 | DVRPC | This project sought to assess locations where New Jersey Transit (NJT) bus and train PNR demand exceeds capacity, or is likely to do so in the future within the DVPRC region in South Jersey (the study area), and develop candidate locations for PNR investment. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Integrating Transportation Land Use and in Comprehensive Plans | Dec. 1, 2009 | PennDOT | This handbook is intended as a resource for Pennsylvania’s county and municipal leaders who seek practical guidance in better integrating land use and transportation in their comprehensive plan efforts (though its contents may be useful for NJ as well!). | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
New Jersey Complete Streets Policy Compilation | June 20, 2013 | Rutgers University | — | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Comuter Traffic Changes in Rt 1 Study Area 2008-2017 | Feb. 1, 2019 | Princeton Transportation Task Group | Very preliminary findings by the Princeton Transportation Task Group. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Integrating Demand Management into the Transportation Planning Process: A Desk Reference | Aug. 1, 2012 | FHWA | The purpose of the desk reference is to provide the reader with a better understanding of where, how, and when to integrate TDM into the evolving performance-based transportation planning process. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Land Use Impacts on Transport | June 5, 2020 | VTPI | This paper examines how various land use factors such as density, regional accessibility, mix and roadway connectivity affect travel behavior, including per capita vehicle travel, mode split and nonmotorized travel. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Incorporating TDM into the Land Development Process | Oct. 1, 2005 | FDOT | The report documents efforts to secure TDM strategies as part of development approvals, summarizes the long range planning groundwork that frames the land development process, provides several case study examples from Florida and nationwide and also identifies several institutional barriers to the use of TDM as part of the land development process. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Back on Board: A Guide to Safe(r) Transit in the Era of COVID-19 | June 10, 2020 | Tri-State Transportation Campaign | Aimed at public transit agencies, government officials, riders, and businesses, this report features over 50 recommendations to make transit safe for riders during and post-COVID. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2006 Spring | Jan. 1, 2006 | CJTF | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2007 Summer | Jan. 1, 2007 | CJTF | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2003 Spring | Jan. 1, 2003 | CJTF | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2006 Winter | Jan. 1, 2006 | CJTF | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2004 Winter | Jan. 1, 2004 | CJTF | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2004 Summer | Jan. 1, 2004 | CJTF | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2005 Winter | Jan. 1, 2005 | CJTF | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
CJTF Planned Projects Status Report - 2016 Spring | June 1, 2016 | CJTF | TIP projects for the DVRPC and NJTPA, and other major transportation and land development projects in Central Jersey. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Destination 2040: Middlesex County Strategic Plan | Oct. 26, 2020 | Middlesex County | Destination 2040 is Middlesex County's strategic plan, which will shape how our county will grow and change in the future. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Transit-Oriented Development, NJ Future | May 1, 2019 | NJ Future | Blogs, articles, reports, presentations and testimony supporting the expansion of TOD near New Jersey’s transit stations, and encouraging municipalities to enact zoning that allows such development to occur. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
DRAFT HIGHTSTOWN BOROUGH MOBILITY MASTER PLAN | Dec. 1, 2020 | Borough of Hightstown, NJ | This plan builds upon past efforts within the Borough to create an integrated and connected multi-modal transportation network that provides safe and accessible bicycle and walking facilities for people of all ages and abilities. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Broadband: Discussing the Technology | June 1, 2020 | DVRPC | This report takes a preliminary look at the state of broadband in Greater Philadelphia. It is also the first in a three-part series aimed at assessing the digital divide within the region (both pre- and post-COVID-19), and formulating strategies for how to bridge that divide. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Broadband: Part 2: Understanding the Digital Divide | Oct. 31, 2020 | DVRPC | This report is the second in a three-part series aimed at assessing the digital divide within the region (both pre- and mid-COVID-19). The third and final part will provide recommendations and strategies for how to bridge that divide. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
PLAN 2050 BACKGROUND PAPER: Transportation Technology | Dec. 1, 2020 | NJTPA | The North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority recently issued a background paper to inform on the update of its long-range transportation plan. The paper foresees progress implementing connected vehicle technology within the next decade, which allow the coordination of vehicles as they travel. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Preparing Greater Philadelphia for Highly Automated Vehicles | Jan. 1, 2021 | DVRPC | A companion to Dispatches from Alternative Futures (DVRPC Publication #20012), this report explores the future of transportation through the lens of vehicular automation. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Guidebook and Research Plan to Help Communities Improve Transportation to Health Care Services | Jan. 26, 2021 | TRB | Details how to initiate a dialogue between transportation and health care providers as well as subsequent actions and strategies for pursuing a partnership and implementing transportation solutions appropriate for patients. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Creating a Healthier, Prosperous and More Equitable Future for all New Jersey’s Residents | Feb. 1, 2021 | NJCPA | A comprehensive package of recommendations for state, county and local governments to consider as they develop plans and strategies to address the long-lasting impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Plan 2050 Background Paper: Climate Change and Transportation | Dec. 1, 2020 | NJTPA | The NJTPA is publishing a series of background papers to inform its update of the region’s Long Range Transportation Plan. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Infrastructure for Recovery and Renewal | Jan. 1, 2021 | RPA | How a Federal Infrastructure Program Can Lift the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut Metropolitan Region. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
City Limits: Setting Safe Speed Limits on Urban Streets | July 1, 2020 | NACTO | Provides city practitioners with guidance on how to strategically set speed limits on urban streets, using a Safe Systems approach, to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Electric Vehicle Resource Kit for Municipalities | March 1, 2021 | DVRPC | This resource kit is intended to help the user answer "What should my municipality do about electric vehicles?" | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
COVID Mobility Works | April 1, 2021 | COVID Mobility Works | An independent platform that collects mobility initiatives that are keeping the world moving during the COVID-19 pandemic. The website can be used by policymakers, innovators, researchers and advocates to inform new initiatives that create a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable transportation systems for all. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
NJ Response to Climate Change Strategy | May 1, 2021 | NJ State | The State of New Jersey Climate Change Resiliency Strategy described 125 actions across six policy areas that should be implemented in both private and public sectors. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Barriers to Building Generational Wealth: Mortgage Lending Disparities Across Greater Philadelphia | June 1, 2021 | DVRPC | This report provides an analysis of mortgage lending trends throughout Greater Philadelphia from 2004-2019, and presents findings of racial, ethnic, and geographic mortgage lending disparities that exist within the region. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Municipal Management of Extreme Heat | May 31, 2021 | DVRPC | The brochure summarizes the causes of current and future extreme heat, the impacts of extreme heat on vulnerable populations and infrastructure, and how municipalities can mitigate, prepare for, and respond to extreme heat events. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Connections 2050 Policy Manual | Aug. 31, 2021 | DVRPC | The Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Policy Manual documents the Connections 2050 vision, principles, goals, policies and strategies, and contains a summary of the financial plan. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Process and Analysis Manual | Aug. 31, 2021 | DVRPC | The Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Process and Analysis Manual documents the long-range planning process, public outreach, and quantitative effort and analysis used to develop the Connections 2050 vision, principles, goals, policies and strategies—which are documented in Policy Manual’s companion report the Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Policy Manual—along with the financial plan’s capital vision, revenue forecast, allocation, project evaluation and selection, fiscal constraint analysis, and regional funding options. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Plan 2050: Transportation. People. Opportunity. | Sept. 13, 2021 | NJTPA | Plan 2050 was approved by the NJTPA Board of Trustees on September 13, 2021. | Regional Plans | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Planning for Transit-Friendly Land Use: A Handbook for New Jersey Communities | Feb. 4, 2022 | NJ TRANSIT | NJ TRANSIT created the handbook to assist users interested in improving the relationship between land use planning and transit. The handbook is a tool that communities can use to create and implement transit-friendly land use plans around their transit stations, along their major transit corridors and for proposed new areas of development. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Analysis | Jan. 1, 2022 | NARC | A compilation of the most relevant information for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs), and regions generally in the Senate’s bill. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
FACT SHEET: Competitive Infrastructure Funding Opportunities for Local Governments | Jan. 20, 2022 | | Using these available sources of funds, cities can begin to plan to build in-line with President Biden’s economic, equity, climate and resilience, Made in America, and labor goals. | Municipal Tools | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Moving to a Complete Streets Design Model | March 1, 2022 | FHWA | The House Report encouraged the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) to adopt a Complete Streets design model, and to evaluate its current activities related to that goal. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
What's in Store: Exploring the Future of Shopping Malls in Greater Philadelphia | April 1, 2022 | DVRPC | This report summarizes research designed to help communities throughout Greater Philadelphia better understand the challenges and opportunities created by struggling or vacant mall properties. This document summarizes trends in shopping mall redevelopment and presents planning considerations that can help local governments revitalize mall properties as greater community assets. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
Overview of U.S. Treasury's Final Rule for ARPA Fiscal Recovery Fund | March 22, 2022 | NACo | An updated analysis of the U.S. Treasury Department's Final Rule on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, which provides additional clarity on revenue loss, ineligible uses, and reporting requirements | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |
The Princeton Transitway Study | Nov. 30, 2022 | NJ Transit | The Princeton Transitway Study is a concept-level review of the Princeton Branch to define the future of transit service on the Princeton Branch. It identifies and assesses existing and future needs, evaluates opportunities to utilize the corridor as a multi-modal backbone for improved mobility in the Princeton and West Windsor area, and recommends alternatives to advance to future study. It is the first step in the project delivery process. | Research and Reports | DVRPC, NJTPA |